Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today was a pretty average boring day i got up and i didnt do anything at all i mean i was really lazy i think alot of it though is because i went to a party yesterday and the night before so im like in a very relaxed mood right now and i dont really feel like doing anyhting right now i dont have work today so i didnt have to get up early today and i got to sleep really late which was a really good thing becasue ill tell you right now if i did have work today I probably wouldnt of been able to get up let alone go to work so i am glad that i was able to sleep as late as I want and when i say late i really mean it man i got up at like 2 something and I got up and walked around the house then i went back to bed i was ot of it man
the last film of the series is Rocky 6 Rocky Balboa is a longtime retired boxer and remembered by most as one of the greatest boxing champions in the world. He now lives back in the skids of Philadelphia but manages a good life including running his restaurant Adrian's, helping an adult Little Marie and her son Steps, and saying hello at any opportunity to his estranged son Robert. After seeing a virtual fight of Rocky in his prime vs. heavyweight champion Mason "the Line" Dixon, Rocky's interest in fighting sparks again and he plans to fight in local clubs. Mason Dixon and his managers have a different agenda though, with a plan to pit Rocky vs. Mason in real life for a publicity act to regain Mason's lost respect from his fans. Finally agreeing to Mason Dixon's proposal, Rocky prepares to step in the ring for one last time.
another awesome movie in that series that alot of people say is the worst one out of the series but i think there all really good is Rocky 5 World heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Balboa returns home to Philadelphia to a hero's welcome after defeating Ivan Drago in a brutal match. Rocky soon discovers that his match with Drago has left him with damage to his brain, and his fortune, which he had entrusted to his wife Adrian's brother Paulie, has been squandered by an incompetent accountant. In debt to the IRS, Rocky is forced to sell most of his possessions, including his mansion. Rocky, Adrian, and their son Rocky Balboa Jr, move back to Rocky's old neighborhood in South Philadelphia. Adjustment to the dramatically different lifestyle proves to be more difficult for Rocky Balboa Jr than it is for Rocky and Adrian. Junior quickly becomes involved with a bad crowd, and encounters a bully. Meanwhile, financially desperate Rocky is tempted to re-enter the ring when shady promoter George Washington Duke offers him a huge amount of money to defend his title. Adrian insists that Rocky not risk his life by returning to the ring. Rocky's financial future looks bleak, until he is approached by a young boxer named Tommy "Machine" Gunn, who idolizes Rocky and begs Rocky to help him train. Rocky agrees to train Tommy, but this hurts Rocky's relationship with Junior, who believes Rocky is neglecting him in favor of Tommy. Junior becomes even more deeply involved with the bad crowd that he has fallen into. Junior even undergoes training and beats up the bully who was harassing him. After Tommy wins his first few matches, he starts becoming arrogant. When Tommy, who wants a high profile match against a champion, arrogantly decides that Rocky is not moving him up quickly enough, an impatient Tommy turns his back on Rocky and hires Duke as his new manager. While this gives Rocky and Junior the chance they need to work things out with each other, Tommy wins a belt, and still doesn't have the respect that he's arrogantly looking for because fans always boo him. Duke tells Tommy that the only way to get the respect Tommy wants would be to beat Rocky one-on-one, so Duke and Tommy find Rocky at a bar, and Tommy challenges Rocky to a street fight that may put Rocky's life on the line
another great movie in that series of rocy movies is rocky four and thats waht im gonna talk about right now Heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Balboa accompanies his friend Apollo Creed, who will be in a match against Ivan Drago, a Russian boxer who has been scientifically trained, using high tech equipment. When Drago kills Apollo in the match, Rocky blames himself for Apollo's death, and promises to get revenge on Drago in the ring, in the name of Apollo and the United States. Against the wishes of his wife Adrian, Rocky is off to the USSR to take on Drago, and hires Apollo's former manager Duke to help him prepare for the fight. While Drago enhances his amazing punching power using high-tech equipment, Rocky toughens up under the guidance of Duke in a compound in the frozen Soviet countryside, with his mind set on destroying Drago
now im gonna talk about rocky 3 After beating Apollo Creed and become World Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Balboa is enjoying his boxing and top lifestyle, being everyone's idol. After 10 successful title defenses under his name and even a charity fight draw with World Wrestling Champion, Thunderlips, Rocky believes he has nothing more to prove and is ready to retire. But boxing brawler Clubber Lang becomes the No. 1 contender and demands a match with Rocky for the Title. Rocky has too much pride to reject Lang, and trains with Manager Micky for his bout with Lang. But before the match, Rocky and Clubber get into a bust-up backstage and Micky is badly hurt. Rocky goes into his fight very worried about Micky who is being treated by a doctor as Rocky fights without a manager in his corner. Lang brutally beats Rocky, and after the fight, a battered Rocky falls into depression after the death of Manager Micky and does not have the confidence to challenge Lang to a re-match. But Former Champion Apollo Creed is the only man able to persuade Rocky to offer a rematch, and after Lang accepts the challenge, Creed trains Rocky. Rocky must now try to forget about his last brutal bout with Clubber and try to regain the title and the confidence of everyone
Again i have nothing to talk about so im gonna talk about Rock 2 Rocky Balboa is enjoying life. He's got a lovely wife, Adrian, had a successful fight with Apollo Creed and is able to enjoy the wealth coming off the draw. Unfortunately, Rocky becomes embarrassed when failing to complete and advert and ends up working in a meat packing company. He believe that he will no longer have a career as a boxer. Apollo wants to rematch with Rocky to prove all his critics wrong that he can beat Rocky Rocky having no other chose becaseu of financial problems he is having chosses to take the remantch with Apollo creed
Rocky Balboa is a small-time boxer who lives in an apartment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and his career has so far not gotten off the canvas. Rocky earns a living by collecting debts for a loan shark named Gazzo, but Gazzo doesn't think Rocky has the viciousness it takes to beat up deadbeats. Rocky still boxes every once in a while to keep his boxing skills sharp, and his ex-trainer, Mickey, believes he could've made it to the top if he was willing to work for it. Rocky, goes to a pet store that sells pet supplies, and this is where he meets a young woman named Adrian, who is extremely shy, with no ability to talk to men. Rocky befriends her. Adrain later surprised Rocky with a dog from the pet shop that Rocky had befriended. Adrian's brother Paulie, who works for a meat packing company, is thrilled that someone has become interested in Adrian, and Adrian spends Thanksgiving with Rocky. Later, they go to Rocky's apartment, where Adrian explains that she has never been in a man's apartment before. Rocky sets her mind at ease, and they become lovers. Current world heavyweight boxing champion Apollo Creed comes up with the idea of giving an unknown a shot at the title. Apollo checks out the Philadelphia boxing scene, and chooses Rocky