Friday, October 24, 2008

math class was like it normally was this week it kinda really sucked i dont know i mean its like first of all i never liked math to begin with and now i got this math class that im going to and no surprise to me its sucks and i dont like it at all i mean the teacher is not that bad because he can be kind of funny somtimes but not all he time though in fact alot of the time he can be extremely annoying so its definatly not one of my favorite classes in fact its probably my least favorite class now that i think about it
i went to my film class today and it kinda hit me like i was thinking and i think originally like when i first whent into that class i reallt liked it and now that i have been in that class im starting to really not like the class because its starting to get really hard to sit there as long as i do becaseu the class last so long its like a four hour class and although i thinkthe teacher is a really cool nice guy like a actually really like i think that he is funny and very relaxed but the length of the class and the fact that we get these really confusing assighnments that sometimes straight up make no sense to me is really starting to get to me
i dont have that much to talk about so im just gonna talk about my sociology class and well although sometimes the work can be a pain in the ass i actually do like the class alot becasue it is a very interesting class and i do learn alot of cool stuff and the teacher is actually really nice and she is definatly good at what she does so i do like the class and i dont know its kind of wierd but that class definatly feels like it goes by alot quiker then it atcually does i guess because i dont so much hate being there so its not that bad so i guess in the end i think its a pretty cool class and i do like and dont mind going

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i had a really bad week it was just like complete shit i mean i got aa whole bunch of shit i have to do and i got like work everyday and i got so much freaking schoolwork i got to deal with its just such a pain in the ass i would really like to think that i can handle it and i would like to say i can take on the responsibility and all that but i dont know man somwtimes i feel like i really cant cause its just like really hard sometimes and you know what sucks alot is like when you have to sit back and think about all that stuff and you like realize that you have close to know freedom at all and that kind of stuff just really hits home sometimes

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I had a pretty hard day at work today first of all i had to go into work early because we needed to clean out the upstairs booth so i went in early and me and the manager and the other guy that i work with start cleaning out the booth and what really suked about it is their were some really heavy things up in the booth that were really difficult to bring down plus the only way that we could bring them down is with garbage bags and not only were there heavy things but there were some really freakin sharp things to and they were ripping holes right through the bag and i would have to carry the bag and i kind of got stabbed a couple of times so it was a real pain in the ass then we meaning me and the guy i work with had to carry the bags to the far away dumpster in the parking lot so yea the day kind of sucked
again i got nothing to talk about so im just gonna talk about a ramdom movie that i really like becasue it seems like all the kids in class are into movies so th emovie im gonna talk about is fight club i thought this was a kick ass movie for alot of reasons i thought the story was awesome i thought the acting in the movie was awesome i thought everything about the movie was really awesome it was a straight up entertaining movie that i could watch over and over again and another good thing about is the twist that takes place in the movie the reason is so good is because after seeing the whole movie and not knowing about the twist obviuosly you dont notice the little things here and there that make the twist make sense then after seeing the movie and watching it again it becomes so much more clear

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I didnt have any school today so that was pretty cool and i didnt have work so it was kind of like my day off in a way i didnt do anything special all i really did was hang out with some of my freinds like i usually do but i did sleep really really late today i mean like i havent been able to sleep that late in a really long time or even if i eas able to i still just woke up but not today i was just passed out i wasnt gettin up for anything i atually missed a couple of peoples phone calls because i was out for so long then i got up and did the same old same old just hung out or whatever i got to go to school tommorow which really sucks and its an really early class so that means it suks even more but whatever i got to do what i got to do

Thursday, October 2, 2008

i had a pretty boring day at work today although most of my workdays are really boring casue i work at a movie theater and theres really nothing ever going on so its not a really exciting job at all but at tyhe same time its a very easy job and i got to admit i am a very lazy person so the whole really easy factor of the job is pretty cool so really i do kind of like my job but at the same time its a really time consuming job i mean sometimes i really feel like all i do is go to school and go to work and sometimtes it does get to me but its kind of like whatever because theres nothing that i can really do about becasue its not like im not going to go to school and i need money so its like i got to get used to it so im just gonna keep doing what im doing and hopefully everything will turn out ok in the end
i really trully despise getting up early in the morning i mean i hate it so much its such a pain in the ass ever since i could remember i have never been a morning person i always hated getting up in the morning and what really sucked growing up is you had to do that every day for school and i cant remember ever liking it at all but at least when i was in grade school i had to get up at or i had to be up for the bus around like nine o clock but the middle school came around and then i had to start getting up around like seven and man it really sucked cause like a said i am not at all a morning peson now im going to colledge and there are some days were i have to get up even earlier and i had to give myself those time slots because i have work and i mean i guess cause im somewaht getting used to it because i have been doing it for so long but still i really hate it
i was just at the greatest concert i have ever been to it was in the city at this place called the knitting factory i had never heard of it before and when i went there it was really really small but that didnt matter at all to me because the band that played was a band that me and my freinds have been listening to pretty much every day for the past couple of weeks it was a band that goes by the name of hollywood undead and i thin they are just awesome they are so good theyre kind of like a hardcore heavy sort of like a rock rap group and they are awsome i guess i liked i even more becaseu i pretty much new all of the songs that they were playing becaseu like i said me and freinds have been listening to the non stop for a while now and man t was just a really like really cool awesome experience