Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Once out, John steals a motorcycle and is chased into the woods by Teasle. Teasle loses John when his car slides down an embankment near the base of a mountain, landing in a soft thump upside down. Embarassed, Teasle crawls out and shouts to John vowing he'll be caught. With tracking dogs, Teasle assembles a posse to pursue Rambo and has Gault get a helicopter to spot him. Eventually they corner Rambo over a steep cliff to a running river, but John tries to climb down and is spotted by Gault in the helicopter. Gault foolishly unlocks his safety belt and begins shooting at Rambo, with the helicopter pilot telling him to stop. Gault refuses, and when Rambo jumps off the cliff and lands on a huge pine tree he slides down its branches, sustaining an arm injury before landing on the ground. Gault has the chopper drop lower and he continues shooting, but John throws a rock at the helicopter windshield and the pilot swerves left - which throws Gault into a fatal fall to the bottom of the river gorge. When John, after confiscating Gault's rifle, sees the dead body, he is struck by guilt, and after tending to his arm injury and seeing how little ammo he has for the rifle, John offers to turn himself in. This, though, only angers Teasle more, and he opens fire on Rambo, a bullet grazing his temple as he flees.

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