Friday, September 26, 2008

the other day my boss y boss made me a copy of this movie that i really want to see its a mvie called death racers not the famouse jason stahem movie that just recently came out death race but a completley off movie called death racers now i probably would have wanted to see this movie anyway becasue i really like wacthing shitty low budget movies i dont know why i just always have but the main reaon why i wabt to see it so bad is because the movie stars the insane clown posse and despite alot of shit i get from many different people i am a huge insane clown posse fan i have been listening to their music for a couple of years now and i dont know why but i just cant get enough of it anyway i have the movie thanks to my boss and i am really excited to watch it and i know its ganna be bad because he told me but i dont care
I woke up today and i really feel like shit i dont konow why i dont think i at anything that would make me feel this way but i feel pretty freakin bad i really hate it when this happens two case first of all i wouldnt consider myself a morning person at all so i really hate getting up in the morning and on top of that i feel like shit i wouldnt of made my classes so early in the morning if i didnt have two but the only thing i have work so i had two make my classes early so i dint get out that so i could go to work but if not for that i would have probably gave myself much later classes becaseu really i do not like gettting up in the morning

Sunday, September 14, 2008


i dont know what to talk about so i guess ill talk about this new band that ive just recently got into its a band called hollywood undead and i think there just awesome there kinda like heavy rap if you ask me although when i went to go get their new cd which was i believe their first cd because they got heir start on myspace and they were doing music off of myspace for a really long time then they put out a cd but anyway when i went to go get their cd they were under the pop/rock section of f.y.e's music selection so i guess they might be pop which when i listen to some of their songs i guess i can kind of see but i dont really see them as a pop group at all if you were to ask me i would call them rappers even so though regardless of what i would consider them to be or what f.y.e would consider them to be i still think they are some of the talented people ive seen in the music industry because they are just so good at what they do weither its heavy rap or pop/rock


i really dont know what to write right now because i really dont have anything to say i mean i did nothing since yesterday except i went to work and i worked there all day and when i say all day i do really mean all day because like i go in or i went in at like twelve o clock and i dint leave there till about ten something so yea i mean i really like my job because its actually pretty easy but like its so time consuming its kind of hard making time for anything because it takes up so much of it but whatever yea so thats it except after work i got togeather with a couple of freinds and i saw tropic thunder which i had seen already before but i didnt mind seeing it again because i really liked it and i thought it was really funny so that was a nice little break i got to have at the end of a long ass day and really thats all i have to talk about so yea

Friday, September 12, 2008


school wasnt that bad today becasue it kind of flew by and since i have such a horrible memory i actually forgot what time i got out and i thought that i got out alot later then i actually did so when i finally discovered what time i get out it was a pretty sweet surprise that really is the best like when you get an awswome surprise like that its kinda like when you wake up and you think you have to get ready for school but then you realize that you atcually dont have school that day man thats such a good feeling because the you can just go back to bed and i think everyone woudnt mind being able to go back to bed after they get up in the morning i dont know if if its just me but getting up in the morning i really think is like one of the worst feelings ever i mean it really sucks to have to get up out of bed somtimes what i would do is i would set my clock like maybe an hour before i had to get up then i would get up reset the clock then go back to bed just so i could get the feeling of going back to bed

Thursday, September 11, 2008


didnt really do that much today just kind of hung out with my freinds but i did notice something cause i did the same thing i do most days and i didnt come home once and iim starting to realize that i dont really come home that much at all anymore like im statring to discover that i spend so much more time outside of my house then in it and the only things thats kind of weird about the whole thing is that ive been living like this for years now and im just recently starting to notice it i mean ive had a job most of my life and school obviously takes up most of my life and i always like to hang out with my freinds so when i think back i was never really home that much but i guess because im doing all that stuff alittle bit more nowadays im starting to see it and i dont know if its reallly a bad thing or a good thing but it is something that i have been definatly thinking about alot more in the past couple of days and its starting to hit me

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


when i got home today from school I kinda pasted right out like i was saying to myself that I was going to take a little nap becasue I was so tired but i wound up falling asleep for like a good solid four or five hours and I dont know if it was becasue of this conversation we had in my film apreciation class about dreams people have because my professor was trying to tell us that everybody we know including ourselves make movies even in our sleep becase basically your dream is just like a movie but anyway i dont know if it was becasue of that conversation and maybe i still had it in my head but I had this really weird dream that my cell phone kept on vibrating and I kept picking it up and answering it but there was nobody answering me back now what I think happened was my actuall phone not in my dream but in real life was vibrating cause usually i keep it on vibrate next to my bed so incase anyone calls it will wake me up so i can get their call and when i woke up after the dream i hd a whole bunch of missed calls and i must of heard the vibration but instead of waking up i heard the vibtraion in my dream and kept trying to answer the phone so i thought that was kinda weird