Friday, September 12, 2008


school wasnt that bad today becasue it kind of flew by and since i have such a horrible memory i actually forgot what time i got out and i thought that i got out alot later then i actually did so when i finally discovered what time i get out it was a pretty sweet surprise that really is the best like when you get an awswome surprise like that its kinda like when you wake up and you think you have to get ready for school but then you realize that you atcually dont have school that day man thats such a good feeling because the you can just go back to bed and i think everyone woudnt mind being able to go back to bed after they get up in the morning i dont know if if its just me but getting up in the morning i really think is like one of the worst feelings ever i mean it really sucks to have to get up out of bed somtimes what i would do is i would set my clock like maybe an hour before i had to get up then i would get up reset the clock then go back to bed just so i could get the feeling of going back to bed

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